The bottom line is: We want you to feel comfortable here! Being comfortable at church for some people is a suit and tie or heels and a dress, for others it’s a golf shirt, or a t-shirt, slacks or shorts and flip-flops. We really don’t care what you wear! We’d rather you showed up just as you are than not show up because you don’t have the right outfit! NO big deal! Don’t let the massive stone building scare you! Inside you will find a warm loving congregation and a sense of family, who will welcome you as part of God’s community.

 A Typical Service…

We serve light refreshments before service in The Commons area, which is a great place to meet people.  In worship service, you will hear traditional, as well as contemporary music, a relevant message and experience community in many ways throughout our worship service. We have a nursery for infants & toddlers and Jr. Church for elementary-aged students for your convenience, and all of our volunteers have gone through a background check for your child’s safety. We also have a “Cry Room” for when a young child in the service gets a little fussy and needs to have some space.  If you have questions or need help ask an usher, or anyone wearing a name tag, and they will be happy to assist you.