In 1805, James Grimes, an early pioneer and Methodist preacher came to the Middletown area of southwest Ohio. He formed a Methodist ‘society’ in this area that met in his small log cabin near what is now known as Highview St. As the church grew, buildings were built to house the congregation of what was the first church in Middletown, Ohio. In 1890 our current stone church was constructed in the Romanesque Revival style. Today we enjoy the historic architecture and the sacred space of worship that reflects the many generations of God’s faithful people.

We continue to embrace the Methodist example of outreach and mission and are proud to carry the tradition of a congregation with a strong sense of service to the community into the 21st century. We are real people who have discovered that following Jesus just makes life so much more meaningful, and being around other people who are also discovering that being in a faith community makes it a great support system for getting through the week!