Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat O.F.F. Group O.F.F. Group Apr 18 all-day O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the[...]
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O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.
O.F.F. (Out for Fun) group meets every third Saturday of the month. The group goes out for a fun day in the city whether it be lunch at a restaurant or a visit to the museum. If interested call the Church office (513-423-4629) for more details.