We are a United Methodist Church in Middletown, Ohio. Our church is a multicultural, blend of people from all walks of life seeking to live out our faith through Christian service. Visit us this Sunday! We would love to have you be a part of our family!

Worship With Us

We love seeing new faces on Sunday morning. Come worship with us this Sunday!


9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

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What We Believe

We believe that God works in our lives in many ways and that Jesus Christ was God’s Son who came to show us how to love God and love each other.

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What To Expect

Come as you are. Inside you will find a warm loving congregation and a sense of family, who will welcome you as part of God’s community.

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Christ our life. Service our lifestyle.

“For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.”
Ephesians 2:10 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Get Connected. What’s Your Next Step?
Connect with others in the church and become a part of the spiritual family.

Worship Services

Here at First Church we believe in the power of prayer.

Share with us your struggles and triumphs.


Upcoming Events

March 6- Ash Wednesday Service

Join us as we start off the Lent Season at our Ash Wednesday service.

April 14 – Passion/Palm Sunday

Hosanna, Hosanna! Join us for a special Palm Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m.

April 24 – Easter Sunday

Join us for breakfast at 9:00 a.m. and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ at our 10:30 a.m. worship service.

I have been attending First United Methodist Church for approximately five months. I had been looking and praying for God to lead me to a church I could call home. From the moment I walked through the doors that Sunday morning, I was greeted like I was an old friend and I finally felt like I had found my church family. There are programs for every member of your family. If you are in search of a church, please, join us for worship. I promise you'll be happy you did.

- Tammy B.

Although it’s been 43 years since I first set foot into this elegant stone church, I am still mesmerized by the colors and brilliance from the stained glass windows on any sunny Sunday morning. The magnificent pipe organ adds an almost holy touch to any hymn the choir is singing. But it’s the members that are, like me, serving our savior, that keeps me coming back to be renewed and energized each week. We all seem to live and share the pains and joys that occur to each of us mortals on our journey of faith, giving comfort to me that I’m not alone.

- John T.

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